Thursday, June 02, 2011


Today we took a test. It was short and a little easy. I don't think I got a 100% but I do think I got a high A. Our classes got cut short today. So I guess that is why our test was short. It was about the end of the Roman Empire. I know one question I got wrong but I got the extra credit right. Maybe I did get a 100% but I won't know until tomorrow or Monday. I got an 85% not what I expected. All I care about is if it drops my grade or not.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Today we talked about our test. It is going to be short. Tomorrow is going to be short anyways because we have an assembly. Then we talked about grades and how to add them up. Our exam is next Wed. We then checked our quiz. Here are the answers:
  1. By barbarians on land and pirates on sea
  2. inflation 
  3. Worked for lower pay than Roman soldiers
  4. False; During the third century, the only groups actively interested in political office were armies
  5. True
  6. False; The eastern half of the empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade. 
  7. Constantine
  8. Huns
That is all we had time for because one person left and one person came late and we had to repeat the answers. We went into further detail with a lot of answers too. The test is basically on the handout we got.  

Monday, May 30, 2011


Today we continued to highlight on the paper. We have a test Wednesday. After we finished that Mr. Schick handed out a review sheet. It was for homework but I finished it in class. We don't have school Monday and we don't have class Tuesday. I think it will be a little bit hard. I  need an A to raise my grade. We have 5 classes left.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


It is very humid and hot out today. Today we went over the handout. We only got halfway through. We highlighted the important points. Here are those important points:
  • In A.D. 476, a barbarian king took over the rule of Rome
  • The process of decline took place in three stages
  • Trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes
  • Rome's small industries produced only wine, cheese, and glass
  • Overworked soil lost much of it's fertility
  • Tribes of northern barbarians called Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier
  • Roman soldiers fought only for money
  • Raised cash rewards to attract recruits
  • Recruited barbarians
  • Collected a certain amount of tax, if that limit wasn't collected the collector would have to pay it
That is a review of what we did. 


Today we went over our Roman test. I got an 83% on it. Not as good as I thought I did but at least it is not a failing grade. That took up most of the class time. He handed out another reading paper. That is for homework to night. We have to read answer 5 questions and define 10 words. Here are the Q's & A's, and vocab words:

  1. Inflation- when there is a huge increase in prices
  2. Diocletian- one of the greatest emperors; a strong-willed army leader & son of a slave, emperor of the eastern side
  3. Constantine- one of the greatest emperors; First emperor of the western side
  4. Eastern empire- ruled by Diocletian; rich
  5. Western empire- ruled by Constantine; made of farms
  6. Edict of Milan- freedom to follow the religion you want 
  7. Constantinople- the new capital named after Constantine
  8. Huns- a nomadic people from central Asia 
  9. Attila- Hun leader; short man with a flat nose and thin, graying beard 
  10. Leo I- first truly powerful pope of Rome
  1. What economic problems did the empire face in the third century?
  2. By the third century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic?
  3. (a) What important religious change did Constantine bring about in the empire? (b) What political change did he bring about?
  4. (a) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400's? (b) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders out?
  5. (a) List three reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor. (b) List three reasons why he might be considered a failure. 
  1. Local officials usually lost money b/c they were required to bay for costly circuses and baths. Less and less money came in as taxes. The only groups actively interested in politics were the armies. 
  2. Soldiers fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. To attract recruits into the army, the government promised ever higher cash awards. Emperors began to recruit barbarians. The loyalty of barbarian troops to the empire could hardly be trusted.
  3. (a) freedom to follow the religion you want. (b) end of persecution of Christians
  4. (a) ? (b) Because they were already weak. 
  5. (a) stopped the decline of the empire, made the borders safe again, and made the emperor considered an exalted person again. (b) wages for the troops added to the already crushing load of taxes, price controls failed, Christianity continued its rapid growth

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today in class we peer reviewed out papers. I barely got any corrections which I guess is a good thing. Tonight and tomorrow we have to fix our paper and print out our final copy. I think I will get a good grade but I won't no till later. Today was a fun class though. I peer reviewed Sarah and Caitlin's papers. It was a short class kind of so our then that we didn't do anything.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Mr. Schick was absent today, so we had a sub. Our sub was Mr. A. We worked on our essays. I got half way done. I find it kind of confusing. Not that much only the Republic part. I don't know the parts in the Republic. If there is any. Or if there's parts in the emperor. I think a lot of people were almost done. I think we used the time wisely. The essay is on the difference between the Roman empire and republic. We have to turn in our rough draft on Monday.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today we took a test which was really easy. It was on the Roman Empire like Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. I think I only got three wrong but the extra credit, which I got right, was worth 3 points, so that made it up. If I got any more than three wrong, I definitely still got an A+. The test was made up of naming what the emperors did, T/F, 5 multiple choice, 1 extra credit. We now have an essay due Monday. It is: What is the difference between the Empire and Roman republic.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today we finished taking notes on the PowerPoint.

Religious troubles:

  • The Western Wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines
  • Half a million Jews died in the rebellion
Persecution of Christians:

  • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor
  • Especially Christians, who were viewed as followers of a new, upstart religion (cult)
  • Often used for "entertainment" purposes in the Colosseum (thrown to the lions, etc.)
  • Despite the oppression, Christianity grew quickly – by AD 200, around 10 percent of the people in the Roman empire were Christians
For the rest of class we got into groups and studied. This is what my group came up with:

Possible essay question:
What was the republic made up of?

  • Monarchy- run by a dictator
  • Aristocracy- run by the rich
  • Democracy- run by the people
Study guide questions:
What are the emperors in order?

  • Augustus
  • Tiberius
  • Caligula
  • Claudius
Which emperor conquered Britain?

  • Claudius
Who are the six most influential people?

  • Muhammad
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Jesus
  • Buddha
  • Confucius
  • St. Paul of Tarsus
Other notes:

  • Zealots were the group of Jews that rebelled
  • Augustus was the greatest emperor

Monday, May 16, 2011


Today Mr. Schick made and showed us a PowerPoint on the Roman Empire. We had to take notes, these are the notes I took:

  • Octavian
    • Got title Caesar Augustus
    • 1st empire in the Roman Empire
    • Began the Pax Romana
    • Built roads, aqueducts (bringing water from places)
    • Set up civil service(government) to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service
    • Jesus was born at the time
    • Augustus died at age 76 by natural causes
  • Tiberius
    • Time of Jesus and Paul
    • Augustus' stepson and adopted adopted son
    • Tiberius succeeded Octavian
    • Didn't get along with Senate
    • Senate- "men fit to be slaves"
    • Didn't want to be emperor
    • Germanicus- ally
    • Germanicus started to get powerful and looked like he was going to take over
    • Tiberius had him killed
    • Died at age 77 by natural causes (probably)
  • Jesus
    • Roman citizen and a Jew
    • Began ministry at 30
    • Preached to the poor, reached out to outsiders
    • Wasn't popular when alive
    • A lot of things he said made people nervous, thought he was going to overtake the kingdom
    • Pontius Pilate, governor of the Roman province of Judaea, sentenced him to death
  • Paul
    • He was riding his horse
    • Got kicked off and got blind
    • The first thing he saw was Jesus
    • He started to tell Jesus' story
    • People wrote letters to him asking questions
    • He wrote back to him
    • Letters in New Testament
    • Jesus became known because of him
  • Most influential persons in history
    • 1. Muhammad
    • 2. Sir Isaac Newton
    • 3. Jesus
    • 4. Buddha
    • 5. Confucius
    • 6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • Caligula
    • Germanicus' son
    • Tiberius' adopted grandson and great-nephew
    • Started off well
    • Began to fight with Senate
    • Claimed to be a god
    • Had statues of him everywhere, like in a Jewish temple
    • Slept with other men's wives and bragged about it
    • Spent too much money
    • Tried to make his horse a consul and a priest
    • Critics said all this
    • Assassinated by his own aides at age 28
  • Claudius
    • Ostracized by his family because of his disabilities
    • Had limp, slight deafness, possible speech impediment
    • Conquered Britain, no one else could
    • Built roads, canals, and aqueducts
    • Renovated the Circus Maximus
    • Had an awful marriage to Messalina
    • She was unfaithful, plotted to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup
    • Claudius had wife and her lover killed
  • Religious troubles
    • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic (one God)
    • Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god
    • A group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall)
    • The Western Wall is considered holiest site for Jews



Friday, May 13, 2011


We continued to watch the video and finished it.

  • Caligula became Emperor
  • He goes to the North sea with a huge army
  • Right before they invade he makes him stop and collect seashells
  • He may have been ill
  • He was supposed to kill an animal but he kills a high priest instead 
  • He was a disaster
  • Main religion was belief of Greek gods but there were some other religions like Jewish
  • Augustus was good, fair, had religious tolerance
  • Caligula didn't have religion tolerance
  • He had a statue  made of himself as a Greek god and put in the Jews most holiest place
  • Caligula was later murdered 
  • He allowed people to bully Jews
  • Many people freed slaves (called freed men)
  • Some freed men became wealthy 
  • Claudius became heir of Caligula
  • His weak spot was his wife
  • She was only interested in money 
  • She had affairs
  • She was later killed
  • He was good at the beginning but he started to lose his control
  • All heirs after Augustus were weird
After the video we looked up Caligula and Claudius. I only got Claudius. Here are the notes about him:
  • First emperor to be born outside Italy. 
  • Had a limp and slight deafness. 
  • His family ostracized him and excluded him from public office. 
  • Died when he was 54. 
  • Grand-nephew took over


We continued watching the video.

  • Having one emperor means that they can do what ever they want
  • Everyone was afraid to stop Tiberus
  • Tiberus killed his friend
  • No one was secure in his control
  • Tiberus died and Caligula took over
  • Can avoid too much power if you had 3 branches that looked after each other (like US)
  • Jesus ties in with this
  • Paul told the story of Jesus; he formed Christianity
  • Without Paul everyone would probably forgotten about Jesus
  • Jesus is a historical figure in this video
  • People threatened to throw Jesus off a cliff
  • Jesus was arrested and cursified
  • Jews and Rome both powerful at the time
  • Jesus bothered both Rome and the Jews
  • Jesus talked to the poor
  • Jesus broke the law
  • He was arrested by Rome
  • Rome didn't know what to do with him so they passed him back in forth between Rome and the Jews until enough people wanted him killed
  • Learned that you shouldn't mess with the Roman Empire
  • Jesus even got the attention of Tiberius

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today we tried something new, taking notes on paper. We watched two videos. One was Ultimate Dog Tease. The other one was about the Roman Empire. Here are the notes I took on the second one:

  • Augustus was the nickname given to Octavius
  • Augustus was a monarch
  • Octavius formed and broke up the 2nd Triumvirate, he became king, had full control, everything was going well
  • He died at age 75 of old age
  • Changed republic-> empire
  • His heirs were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius
  • Spain, Greece, Syria, and Africa were all part of Rome
  • Tiberius took over after Octavius 
  • Tiberius was Octavius' step son
  • Tiberius tried to be like Augustus but it didn't work
  • Tiberius didn't know how to run an army
  • Public baths: work out, eat, get hair plucked out
  • It was for poor, rich, everyone
  • When you have someone that is a good ruler you don't mind
  • When you have a bad ruler you want to remove them but you can't

Monday, May 09, 2011


All we did today was go over to test. It was a simple day. We went over our Greece and Rome test. Greece was on our powerpoints and Rome was on people like Julius Ceaser and Hannibal. Mr. Schick gave out the test to us to keep. We reviewed them and filled them in with answers. So now we can use them for our final which is not to far away. 

Friday, May 06, 2011


We had to finish presenting our projects. Have that we took a test.
Paragraph 1:
  • Etruscans
    • literacy was rich
    • built cities
    • cities ruled by powerful king
  • Tiber river
    • yellow color
    • 3rd longest river
  • Tarquin the proud
    • people of Rome overthrew him
    • last king they had
    • he was so much a tyrant
Paragraph 7:
  • Pax Romana
    • 200 years of peace
    • time of improvement
  • Circus Maximus
    • oldest and largest circus in Rome
    • oval shaped
    • chariot races
    • gladiators- prisoners, slaves, or criminals
    • people didn't believe in religion got killed
    • Chariot racing was most popular sport
    • got money for presenting 
    • important for slaves and poor people

Thursday, May 05, 2011


We are presenting our powerpoints on the song. We will go over paragraph 1 & 7 tomorrow. We will have a test tomorrow.

Paragraph 2:

  • Didn't have a tyrant
  • Democracy
  • Aristocracy- families of Rome, best treated, upper class, wealthy
  • Monarchy
  • Plebeians- lower class, all citizens, very poor
  • Legion- 60 centuries, 5,000 men
  • Hannibal- 28; laid waste along the Carthage peninsula 
  • Punic War
Paragraph 3: 
  • Sarah and mine and sorta kinda Cole but not really
Paragraph 4:
  • Julius Ceaser- triumvirate: Ceaser, Crassus, and Pompey
  • became dictator of Rome
  • Crassus- one of the wealthiest people ever, Ceaser recruited him, general of army
  • Pompey- military leader; started out as friends; he turned against Ceaser
  • Started fighting against each other
  • Pompey married Ceaser's daughter
  • Ceaser beat him in battle
  • Pompey got beheaded
  • Egypt brought Ceaser his head 
  • he wasn't to excited about it
Paragraph 5: 
  • Julius Ceaser
    • patrician ranked
    • Pagan
    • killed March 15 
    • stabbed 23 times
    • senators feared he was becoming king
    • killed in theater of Pompey
    • a law encouraging to kill people trying to become king
    • dictator in perpetuity- dictator for life 
  • Brutus- friend of Ceaser 
  • Longinus- enemies of Ceaser 
  • They planned the killing
Paragraph 5:
  • Ceaser:
    • 60 people participated
    • Et tu Brute?
    • Ceaser's last words
    • you to Brutus?
    • in Shakespeare's play
    • no one no's if it's his last words
Paragraph 6:
  • Octavian
    • Ceaser's nephew and adopted son
    • Antony and Octavian- demanded control; out to get revenge 
    • killed 100 senators and 2,000 business men 
    • Cicero was killed- greatest orator; did not kill Ceaser, but was against absolute rule
    • Ceaser pretty good ruler
    • Antony falls in love with Cleopatra
    • Octavian thought he was teaming up to take over
    • Went in battle
    • Battle of Actium: fought against Octavian and Antony & Cleopatra 
    • Octavian won

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Today's class we had a sub. We finished our powerpoints and showed the people who weren't here what to do. Sarah, who is my partner, and I had finished all of our research. So today in class we just looked for pictures, put animation, and put in a bibliography on our powerpoint. It felt like a really short class. Tomorrow we are supposed to present.

Monday, May 02, 2011


Today Mr. Schick wanted us to learn what the lyrics to the song he wrote mean. We broke up into pairs to make a power point on a paragraph in the song. I worked with Sarah. We did a power point on paragraph 3. Paragraph 3 is about latifundia, what happened to the farmers, and the Gracchus brothers. We learned what latifundia means and what happened to the farmers and the Gracchus brothers. We didn't quite finish yet. Here is the link to the lyrics again: We did the 3rd paragraph not counting the 1st paragraph. 

Friday, April 29, 2011


We retook the pop quiz. This time I got a 100%. Mr. Schick thought of a new way to teach. Rapping. We heard a rap about Rome. Now for the rest of the class we had to look for pictures to make a music video of the song. Here's the song lyrics:

River Tiber
Julius Ceaser

Mark Antony
Julius Ceaser being stabbed 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pop Quiz 2

Today we had another pop quiz. I found it much harder. I read the section but I got a 4/10 on the quiz. The section we had to read and it was really boring. I don't like the reading or pop quizzes. The rest of the class we went over the questions. We went over the answers. We also went into further description.

4/27 homework

(a) Consuls- commanded the army and directed the government; power of life and death over citizens in wartime & great powers in peacetime as well.
(b) Veto- means "I forbid" in Latin
(c) Senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's government; membership for life; plebeians could be members.
(d) Assembly- democratic side of Roman government; all citizen-soldiers were members
(e) Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws & command the army; power lasted 6 months; chosen by consuls & elected by senate.
(f) Mercenary- soldier who fights in any country's army for pay

Q & A’s:
1. (a) Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
                They couldn't make important decisions like commanding armies, serving as high priests, or holding high offices.
(b) How did they win reforms?
                They refused to fight in the Roman army.
(c) What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
                The Twelve Tables.

2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
                Their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
                By giving them the status of half-citizens and all rights except voting.

4. (a) At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
(a) Carthage was three times the size of Rome; huge navy, very wealthy, & had mercenaries.
(b) Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
                (b) draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops; troops more loyal & reliable; warfare was Rome's specialty.

5. Why was the Battle of Zarma a major turning point in history?
                Because if Rome would not have won its laws, government, & culture would not have been passed down to West Civ.

6. (a) Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
(a) Rome freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.
(b) Why did the Greek attitude change?
                 (b) Rome interfered in Greek politics, crushing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Class

Today we went over the vocab and answers from yesterday’s homework.
The difference between a democracy and a republic:
  •   Democracy- people get to make important decision
  • Republic- people choose their leader to make the important decisions

The U.S. is a republic.
Gravitas- The person has disciple, strength, and loyalty; weightiness or seriousness.
Pater familias- could kill children if he wanted too
Legion- 4,000-6,000 people
Century- group in the legion

1. Helped them become more powerful because they were in the middle of peninsula
2. (a) Latins: first to settle
(b) Greeks: set trade routes;
(c) Etruscans: set religion, alphabet, most of them were kings
5. They had to join had no choice

We also had a pop quiz. I got a 10/10. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Mr. Schick is back and we are moving onto Rome.

  1. Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
  2. Gravitas- Weightiness or seriousness
  3. Pater familias- Father of the family; had complete power over his family 
  4. Toga- A large wool blanket, measuring about 18 by 7 feet; draped around the body in a variety of ways, without the use of buttons or pins
  5.  Patrician- Specially privileged families
  6. Plebeian- Common farmers, artisans, and merchants
  7. Legion- Massive military unit
  8. Century- group in the legion

  1. How did geography help Rome?
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome’s development? 
    1. (a)  Latins (b) Greeks (c) Etruscans
  3. What were the values of early Roman society
  4. (a) How was the Roman household organized?
    1. (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
  5. How was the army linked to Roman society?


  1.      It is the central point within a central peninsula which means many trade routes.
  2.      answer:
    1.      (a) Latins: They started Rome as farmers. (b) Greeks: Established about 50 colonies; which made them in closer contact with Greek civilization(c) Etruscans: Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet; developed their trade; some Rome kings were of Etruscan background
  3.      Many groups could help shape Rome into a better city.
  4.      (a) It was controlled by the pater familias but it was run by the woman of the household
    1.      (b) She is a citizen, with the rights to own property and testify in court. She ate meals with husband, but he sat reclined on the couch while she sat upright on a chair. She often advised her husband on business and politics.
  5.      It helped build their city around the Mediterranean. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Test Today


We had a test today. It was on our Ancient Greece Projects. It was an ok test. Some of the questions were hard. For the hard questions I felt like I never learned about them. Overall I think I did well, but every time I say that it comes out as a bad test grade. I think the no notes was fine. I thought that because I barely had any notes that would help me on this test. So basically I did the test by memory. Well I hope everyone has a great Easter. I also hope that everyone has a safe break. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Review for Test

  • 25-30 multiple choice
  • no short answer
  • one essay 
Ancient Greece:
  • What took place in 706 B.C.?
  • Which of the following was not an event?
Army and Battles:
  • What was the formation they used? 
    • Phalanx
  • What was the name of the soldiers? 
    • Hoplites
  • Which of the following was not a battle fought against the Persians? 
    • Marathon, Thermopile, Gaugamela, and Issus
Peloponnesian War:
  • Who was in charge in Athens? 
    • Pericles
  • Who was it against? 
    • Athens and Sparta
  • Who won the war? 
    • Sparta
  • What was Athens' strength? 
    • navy; Athiens built a wall; Athens attacked Sparta at the sea
  • What was Sparta's strength? 
    • fighting on land
  • What happened in 425 B.C.? 
    • Pericles died
  • What happened in the wall? 
    • the plague
  • When did the people first rise up over there rulers? 
    • 508 B.C. 
  • What age were kids taken away to go train? 
    • 7
  • What was there strength?
    • army

  • What stories did he write?
    • Iliad and the Odyssey 
  • What was the odyssey about?
    • Odiceous was the war hero of the Trojan War; he was trying to get home
  • What was the Iliad about?
    • Trojan War
  • The kinds of Columns:
    • Ionic
    • Doric 
    • Corinthian 
  • How long did it take to build?

  • What age was it built?
    • Golden Age
  • Who was it dedicated to?
    • Athena 
  • Three goals:
    1. glorify Athens
    2. strength Greek democracy 
    3. expand empire
  • What was the place called where they had discussions?
    • Agora
Art and Pottery:
  • What was pottery used for?
    • hold water, perfume
Math and Science:
  • Euclid- geometry
  • 3 main:
    • Socrates
    • Plato 
    • Aristotle
  • Who tutored Alexander?
    • Aristotle
Trail of Socrates:
  • Dissed the gods
  • cruputing the youth of Athens 
  • guilty 
  • Death by poison 
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living"

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Alexander the Great

Today we watched more of the movie!
Almost everyone got extra credit for wearing prevent genocide shirts!
  • Alexander fought against Darius.
  • Darius retreated.
  • Persian army was being paid to fight.
  • His own men killed Darius.
  • This was one of his first big wars.
  • At 25 years old Alexander was King of all.
  • He was loved by all.
  • He blending cultures.
  • Alexander conquered the Persians.
  • 10 cities named after Alexander.
  • Alexander got revenge on the Persians who killed Darius and he punished them.
  • India had never been explored or conquered.
  • Alexander wanted to conquer the world.
  • Thought if he went over the Himalayas that there would be ocean and that would be the end of the world.
  • India turns into a big disaster and everyone wants to go home.
  • He kept going past India.
  • Alexander wasn't loved by all anymore.
  • Alexander's horse and him get shot.
  • He still won the battle.
  • There was elephants in battle.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Today we are watched a movie on Alexander the Great. We had a review on him before.

  • Alexander's mother told him he was son of one of the gods
  • He was taught by Aristotle.
  • His dad was Phillip II.
  • Alexander's father was killed at age 20.
  •  He became king at age 20.
  • The people started to rebel.
  • So Alexander forms an army.
  • He kills everyone to tell them how ruthless he is. 
  • Phillip has a girlfriend while married.
  • Alexander gets a horse named Buceas.
  • It was a horse that no one can tame. 
  • He did though. 
  • He rode the horse in every battle until the horse was killed. 
  • Olympias is his mother. 
  • Never loses a battle. 
  • goes into battle of Gaugamela.
  • 40,000 men vs. 250,000 men.
  • used to fight face to face; man to man.
  • Falenx- formation for battle.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last Project

Today we have one project left.

Katie- Greek Philosophers:
Who was the first major philosopher in Ancient Greece?
What was one of Socrates teachings?
What was Socrates method?

Was explained and watched a video on allegory of the cave.

Monday, April 11, 2011

More Projects

Today we presented more projects.

Me- Olympics.

Jeffy- Greek Architecture:
What was the first thing they used for structures?
Who did they dedicate their buildings too?
What was the main thing used in the architecture?

Cole- Peloponnesian war:
Who was it against?
What was the main cause of the war?
Who was the main Athien leader?

Friday, April 08, 2011

More Projects

Today we presented more projects.

Taylor- Homer:
Who was Homer?
What was his most famous story/stories?
Who is the main character in the Odyssey?

Billy- Hellenic Age:
How long did the Hellenic Age last?
Why did Alexander mix Greeks and non-Greeks?
When did the Hellenistic Age start?

Sarah- Parthenon:
Who was the Parthenon dedicated too?
Where was it built?
Who wanted to build it?

Clark- Advances in Math and Science:
Who discovered pi?
Who discovered the law of displacement in science?
Who figured out that there are movement of the sun, moon, and stars?

Catherine- Ancient Greek Art:
What did they used to make pottery?
When did they first start to make pottery?
When did they first start to make designs on pottery?

Gracie- Poets and Poetry
What was poetry used for?
What was music used for?
Who was the only female poet?

Christy- Trial of Socrates
Where did it take place?
Why was Socrates arrested?
What was the penalty?

Thursday, April 07, 2011

More Projects

Today we continued our projects.

Alyssa- Ancient Greek Army:
What were soldiers called?
What was the key weapon Hoplites used?
Who was the battle of Issus against and who won?

Caitlin- Ancient Greek Drama:
When did Greek drama start?
What two types of plays were there?
Who was the first poet to use actors?

Clarke- Alexander's conquest
Where did Alexander rule?
How old was Alexander when he took became king?
How long was it till his first battle?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Had a review about Greece.

These are the projects we say and three questions that would be good for a test:

Kamau- Spartan Life:
What age did Spartan women get married?
What age were Spartan boys taken away?
What was the marriage like?

Fiona- Peloponnesian War:
How long was the Peloponnesian War?
Who was the Peloponnesian War against?
Who won the Peloponnesian War?

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

We watched part of what we watched Friday. Here is what we watcher (same thing as Friday):
  • Pericles  wanted all the money to make Athens the best city ever
  • wanted a new temple for the goddess, Athena called the Parthenon 
  • building complete in 15 years 
  • one of the most glorious symbol of Athens empire
  • 40 foot statue of Athena when you walked in 
  • gold, jewels all over it
  • a billion dollar work in modern day money 
  • frieze- most famous, a craving around the Parthenon 
  • 2 inches thick around; where regular people- the farmers, people of the war
  • Aspasia is someone Pericles  was with even though he was married 
  • Pericles treated Aspasia as an equal 
  • world first theater- where entertainment came from 
  • it was very loud- they would boo and drive the actors off the stage if they didn't like the play
  • They cried if they liked it 
  • Greeks invented drama- tragedies  and comedy
  • Had a play twice a year
Here is what we watched (this is new):
    • Pericles wanted glory, but he would bring death and the loss of their empire
    • Pericles wants to go to war with their oldest enemy, Sparta
    • Sparta maxed Athens in power 
    • Sparta were the only Greek country to max them in power
    • Pericles knew it wasn't going to be an easy war
    • He convinced them to leave their homes and go to Piraeus, their port
    • They will use the sea and isolate them from their supplies till they give up 

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

    We are finishing the movie The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. Here are the notes I took:

    • Darius is the great Persian king
    • Themistocles is an example of democracy 
    • Themistocles learned his skills at the agora 
    • Thought Persians were still a danger and they were going to harder to beat 
    • Triremp state of the art ancient ship 
    • an 170 oars men in 3 level
    • narrow, fast ship; they were very expensive
    • wouldn't be able to get it if they didn't find sliver 
    • Themistocles said that they should save the money to buy ships
    • 486 B.C. Darius died
    • Xeres, his son,  took his spot
    • Xeres began to gather his army 
    • Rumors began to leak at to Athens
    • over 2,000 men and they were ready to march
    • Terror gripped Athens
    • They turned to their 
    • The oracle of Delphi- at center of Greece which was considered center of the world; the naval stone of the the world 
    • It is build around a mountain with a spring
    • asked: what they could do to save themselves? 
    • answer: run 
    • Themistocles sent them back to the oracle
    • asked same thing 
    • answer: the wooden wall will not fail 
    • Themistocles ordered the evacuation of Athens 
    • ordered the men to met at Salamis 
    • Xeres entered the city; the people had already abandoned it
    • They burned the city
    • Persians gathered a force 4 times bigger than Athens 
    • Themistocles wants to fight at the Straits of Salamis 
    • It's a narrow pathway in between Athens and Salamis
    • Athenians spent the night rowing 
    • Went into battle on the sea
    • Xeres watched the battle on the shore
    • The Persians lost 200 ships 
    • The Greeks won once again 
    • They had defeated the greatest empire of the day 
    • After the battle it was a new dawn for Athens
    • delian league- Athens' empire 
    • Athens was the big trading place
    • democracy helped them a lot 
    • Every year they banished one person
    • they would write a name on a vase and place it in a pot
    • the person's name who came up most was to be banished 
    • Themistocles felt he was being under attack
    • Themistocles was banished 
    • he wandered from state to state and died in Persia
    • Greeks were looking for a leader 
    • Pericles knew what Athens wanted because he was born into a family like everyone else
    • Pericles  wanted all the money to make Athens the best city ever
    • wanted a new temple for the goddess, Athena called the Parthenon 
    • building complete in 15 years 
    • one of the most glorious symbol of Athens empire
    • 40 foot statue of Athena when you walked in 
    • gold, jewels all over it
    • a billion dollar work in modern day money 
    • frieze- most famous, a craving around the Parthenon 
    • 2 inches thick around; where regular people- the farmers, people of the war
    • Aspasia is someone Pericles  was with even though he was married 
    • Pericles treated Aspasia as an equal 
    • world first theater- where entertainment came from 
    • it was very loud- they would boo and drive the actors off the stage if they didn't like the play
    • They cried if they liked it 
    • Greeks invented drama- tragedies  and comedy 
    • Had a play twice a year

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Ancient Greece

    Here are the notes we took today in class on Ancient Greece: 

    • Next to Italy and what is now Turkey
    • Egypt is below it
    • Sparta barely connected


    • Mountainous peninsula
      • Mountains cover 3/4
    • Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas
    • Location shaped its culture
    • Skilled sailors
    • Poor natural resources
    • Difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities
    • Approximately 20% suitable for farming
    • Fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsula
    • Because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes (wine), olives (olive oil, soap)
    • All plants are healthy; in demand when trading
    • Lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization
    • temperatures range from 48° on the winter to 80° in the summer 

    • Began around 2000 B.C.
    • Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft. thick wall
    • Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 B.C.
      • Controlled trade in the region
    • 1400 B.C. Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language 

    Culture in Decline:
    • Around 1200 B.C. sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
    • The Dorians moved into the war-torn region
      • Far less advanced
      • Economy collapsed
      • Writing disappeared for 400 years

    Homer and Myths:
    • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
    • Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
    • Recorded stories of the Trojan War in The Iliad and The Odyssey (written 750-700 B.C.)
      • Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaeans 

    Greek Concepts:
    • Arete
      • virtue and excellence
    • Epics
      • narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
    • Myths were created to explain creation 
      • Zeus: leader of the gods 
      • Hera: Zeus' wife 
      • Athena: goddess of wisdom