Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Today we are watched a movie on Alexander the Great. We had a review on him before.

  • Alexander's mother told him he was son of one of the gods
  • He was taught by Aristotle.
  • His dad was Phillip II.
  • Alexander's father was killed at age 20.
  •  He became king at age 20.
  • The people started to rebel.
  • So Alexander forms an army.
  • He kills everyone to tell them how ruthless he is. 
  • Phillip has a girlfriend while married.
  • Alexander gets a horse named Buceas.
  • It was a horse that no one can tame. 
  • He did though. 
  • He rode the horse in every battle until the horse was killed. 
  • Olympias is his mother. 
  • Never loses a battle. 
  • goes into battle of Gaugamela.
  • 40,000 men vs. 250,000 men.
  • used to fight face to face; man to man.
  • Falenx- formation for battle.

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