Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Class

Today we went over the vocab and answers from yesterday’s homework.
The difference between a democracy and a republic:
  •   Democracy- people get to make important decision
  • Republic- people choose their leader to make the important decisions

The U.S. is a republic.
Gravitas- The person has disciple, strength, and loyalty; weightiness or seriousness.
Pater familias- could kill children if he wanted too
Legion- 4,000-6,000 people
Century- group in the legion

1. Helped them become more powerful because they were in the middle of peninsula
2. (a) Latins: first to settle
(b) Greeks: set trade routes;
(c) Etruscans: set religion, alphabet, most of them were kings
5. They had to join had no choice

We also had a pop quiz. I got a 10/10. 

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