Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Today we talked about our test. It is going to be short. Tomorrow is going to be short anyways because we have an assembly. Then we talked about grades and how to add them up. Our exam is next Wed. We then checked our quiz. Here are the answers:
  1. By barbarians on land and pirates on sea
  2. inflation 
  3. Worked for lower pay than Roman soldiers
  4. False; During the third century, the only groups actively interested in political office were armies
  5. True
  6. False; The eastern half of the empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade. 
  7. Constantine
  8. Huns
That is all we had time for because one person left and one person came late and we had to repeat the answers. We went into further detail with a lot of answers too. The test is basically on the handout we got.  

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