Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Mr. Schick is back and we are moving onto Rome.

  1. Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
  2. Gravitas- Weightiness or seriousness
  3. Pater familias- Father of the family; had complete power over his family 
  4. Toga- A large wool blanket, measuring about 18 by 7 feet; draped around the body in a variety of ways, without the use of buttons or pins
  5.  Patrician- Specially privileged families
  6. Plebeian- Common farmers, artisans, and merchants
  7. Legion- Massive military unit
  8. Century- group in the legion

  1. How did geography help Rome?
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome’s development? 
    1. (a)  Latins (b) Greeks (c) Etruscans
  3. What were the values of early Roman society
  4. (a) How was the Roman household organized?
    1. (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
  5. How was the army linked to Roman society?


  1.      It is the central point within a central peninsula which means many trade routes.
  2.      answer:
    1.      (a) Latins: They started Rome as farmers. (b) Greeks: Established about 50 colonies; which made them in closer contact with Greek civilization(c) Etruscans: Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet; developed their trade; some Rome kings were of Etruscan background
  3.      Many groups could help shape Rome into a better city.
  4.      (a) It was controlled by the pater familias but it was run by the woman of the household
    1.      (b) She is a citizen, with the rights to own property and testify in court. She ate meals with husband, but he sat reclined on the couch while she sat upright on a chair. She often advised her husband on business and politics.
  5.      It helped build their city around the Mediterranean. 

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