Friday, May 06, 2011


We had to finish presenting our projects. Have that we took a test.
Paragraph 1:
  • Etruscans
    • literacy was rich
    • built cities
    • cities ruled by powerful king
  • Tiber river
    • yellow color
    • 3rd longest river
  • Tarquin the proud
    • people of Rome overthrew him
    • last king they had
    • he was so much a tyrant
Paragraph 7:
  • Pax Romana
    • 200 years of peace
    • time of improvement
  • Circus Maximus
    • oldest and largest circus in Rome
    • oval shaped
    • chariot races
    • gladiators- prisoners, slaves, or criminals
    • people didn't believe in religion got killed
    • Chariot racing was most popular sport
    • got money for presenting 
    • important for slaves and poor people

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