Monday, February 21, 2011

My Mummy Song

In Ancient Egypt the pharaohs ruled,
When they died they must move on.
They believed in life after the other,
And that there was only one way to get there.

They called it mummifying,  
And it took a long time.
There are many steps,
And here’s how they go.
First comes the body being washed and dried.
Next comes the organs being cut out and fried.
They placed them in jars,
 with heads of a person, a falcon, a baboon, and a jackal.

In Ancient Egypt the pharaohs ruled,
When they died they must move on.
They believed in life after the other,
And that there was only one way to get there.

The steps continue with the hook.
It was used to remove what helps you think.
It was thought unimportant and thrown away.
Next the body was placed on a table,
They let it lay there for forty days.
With it shriveled and stuffed,
They wrapped with cloths about twenty times.
They placed gold and valuables while wrapping,
It was then ready for the funeral.

In Ancient Egypt the pharaohs ruled,
When they died they must move on.
They believed in life after the other,
And that there was only one way to get there.

They were transported by sled.
People were hired to mourn by crying,
They threw dust in their hair to show their grief.
The most expensive funerals belong to the pharaohs.
Now most of them are gone by grave robbers and vandals.

In Ancient Egypt the pharaohs ruled,
When they died they must move on.
They believed in life after the other,
And that there was only one way to get there.

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