Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt: Mummies

  • When a person dies, people try to preserve the body by mummifying them
  • It was long and expensive process
  • It took about seventy days
Step by step:
  • First, they washed the body in a river
  • Second, they removed the vital organs and put them in jars.
  • They dried them out and wrapped them 
    • They put the intestines in a jar with the head of a falcon
    • They put the stomach in a jar with the head of a jackal 
    • They put the lungs in a jar with the head of a baboon
    • They put the liver in a jar with the head of a human
  • They used a hook to remove the brain. The Egyptians found the brain unimportant so they probably threw it away
  • They put the body on a table and let it dry out for forty days
  • Then, they stuffed the head and body with packing
  • The mummy was then prepared for bandaging
  • It was wrapped with about 20 layers
  • while wrapping they put gold and nice things in it
  • the mummy was finally ready for the funeral 
  • pharaohs had the nicest funerals 
  • the body and the jars were transported to the tomb by a sled 
  • people were hired to show their grief by crying and throwing dust on their hair
  • they held religious ceremonies to prepare the dead for afterlife
  • the Opening of the Mouth ceremony is said to allow the person to see, hear, eat and drink in the afterlife
  • mummification is sometimes so well done that you can tell what the person looked like
  • mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, the sun, smoke, or using chemicals
  • They believe that mummification ensured a safe passage to afterlife

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