Thursday, February 10, 2011

Essay Question

A. Describe the transition of hunter-gathers to framers.

      About 10 thousand years ago a group living in the Middle East, the fertile crescent, discovered farming. Before then they were hunter-gathers. Hunter-gathers are people who hunt and gather their food and when the food is all gone they move. They discovered that there was no more need to travel. They could make homes and control everything around them. They were one of the first to discover farming.

      They started to domesticate the plants and animals around them. They discovered that with the crops they had, wheat, rice, and barley, they could plant many seeds, get lots of nutrition, and store the food for long periods of time. It was all geographic luck. Only a few places discovered this farming on their own.

       A couple years later the middle east's climate changed. It started to get dry and could no longer farm there. So they moved. This is how farming spread. They to Europe which spread to North America then to South America, it spread all over. Now with all these people farming new and easier ways came out to farm. They discovered that with the power of  horses and ox they could plow more places which came with more food. They came the cows and goats which give you milk. Sheep which give you wool. Now they have tractors and other vehicles, so there is no longer any need for animals. Who knows what's next.

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