Sunday, February 06, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel 5

The Middle East was so geographically blessed. They called the Middle East the Fertile crescent. The fertile crescent had the best crops and animals  of the time. They had started the first civilization with the planting of wheat and the herding of goats. The villages grew which meant more people and more food. With all these people and food they were able to create knew skills. These new skills leaded to fire and the first step to making steel. New Guinea never developed advanced technology. Some people are still using the stone tools they did centuries ago. To be able to create metal tools there had to be enough food for everyone, but there was not. They still survived but they spend to much time and energy feeding themselves to do anything else. After 1,000 years living in the Middle East the place was abandoned. The climate was to dry and the ecology was to fragile. People were destroying the environment. Entire communities were forced to move, but geography was still on their side. There were so many place for farming to spread. Mostly they were places on the same latitude because those places will usually have the same climate, vegetation, and length of day. They began to transform human society. New Guinea was not one of the places that they moved too because it was an island. New Guinea also couldn't go any where because the places were to long and they had nothing to exchange. Soon every place had enough food to feed everyone. In the 16th century everything was taken to America. People all around are all similar. New Guinea didn't develop the same because they didn't have the same things. That doesn't means that everyone in New Guinea are living the same way they did thousands of years ago. They are still making their way up slowly.

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