Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel 3

Today and class we continued watching Guns, Germs, and Steel. We learned that hunter gathers have a disadvantage. The disadvantages are that they barely have any time to hunt and they don't get enough food for everyone. New Guinea people were some of the earliest farmers. Only a few places found farming independently. Those places are China, America, and Africa. After people discovered farming civilization followed. New Guineans were no less talented than all China, America, and Africa, but then how are they still like they were thousands of years ago. New Guineans don't get much protein out of their crops. They have bananas, taro roots, and sago tree. Sometimes they even have to eat giant spiders to gain some more protein. Jared was saying that it was a geographic luck but there had to be something else other than farming. There was, animal domestication. Humans found a way to control how animals breed, feed, and even where they go. Animals are very useful. Goats and sheep were some of the first animals to be domesticated. Goats are good for their milk, meat, and fur. Sheep are good for their wool and meat. Next came ox, cow, and horses. They helped with farming even more. Ox and horses could pull plows to plant and grow more crops for more people. Why didn't New Guinea have all of this? It is all because of geographic luck. New Guinea has no useful animals. All they is the pig, which is only good for meat and even that didn't come from New Guinea.

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