Friday, April 29, 2011


We retook the pop quiz. This time I got a 100%. Mr. Schick thought of a new way to teach. Rapping. We heard a rap about Rome. Now for the rest of the class we had to look for pictures to make a music video of the song. Here's the song lyrics:

River Tiber
Julius Ceaser

Mark Antony
Julius Ceaser being stabbed 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pop Quiz 2

Today we had another pop quiz. I found it much harder. I read the section but I got a 4/10 on the quiz. The section we had to read and it was really boring. I don't like the reading or pop quizzes. The rest of the class we went over the questions. We went over the answers. We also went into further description.

4/27 homework

(a) Consuls- commanded the army and directed the government; power of life and death over citizens in wartime & great powers in peacetime as well.
(b) Veto- means "I forbid" in Latin
(c) Senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's government; membership for life; plebeians could be members.
(d) Assembly- democratic side of Roman government; all citizen-soldiers were members
(e) Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws & command the army; power lasted 6 months; chosen by consuls & elected by senate.
(f) Mercenary- soldier who fights in any country's army for pay

Q & A’s:
1. (a) Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
                They couldn't make important decisions like commanding armies, serving as high priests, or holding high offices.
(b) How did they win reforms?
                They refused to fight in the Roman army.
(c) What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
                The Twelve Tables.

2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
                Their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
                By giving them the status of half-citizens and all rights except voting.

4. (a) At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
(a) Carthage was three times the size of Rome; huge navy, very wealthy, & had mercenaries.
(b) Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
                (b) draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops; troops more loyal & reliable; warfare was Rome's specialty.

5. Why was the Battle of Zarma a major turning point in history?
                Because if Rome would not have won its laws, government, & culture would not have been passed down to West Civ.

6. (a) Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
(a) Rome freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.
(b) Why did the Greek attitude change?
                 (b) Rome interfered in Greek politics, crushing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Class

Today we went over the vocab and answers from yesterday’s homework.
The difference between a democracy and a republic:
  •   Democracy- people get to make important decision
  • Republic- people choose their leader to make the important decisions

The U.S. is a republic.
Gravitas- The person has disciple, strength, and loyalty; weightiness or seriousness.
Pater familias- could kill children if he wanted too
Legion- 4,000-6,000 people
Century- group in the legion

1. Helped them become more powerful because they were in the middle of peninsula
2. (a) Latins: first to settle
(b) Greeks: set trade routes;
(c) Etruscans: set religion, alphabet, most of them were kings
5. They had to join had no choice

We also had a pop quiz. I got a 10/10. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Mr. Schick is back and we are moving onto Rome.

  1. Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
  2. Gravitas- Weightiness or seriousness
  3. Pater familias- Father of the family; had complete power over his family 
  4. Toga- A large wool blanket, measuring about 18 by 7 feet; draped around the body in a variety of ways, without the use of buttons or pins
  5.  Patrician- Specially privileged families
  6. Plebeian- Common farmers, artisans, and merchants
  7. Legion- Massive military unit
  8. Century- group in the legion

  1. How did geography help Rome?
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome’s development? 
    1. (a)  Latins (b) Greeks (c) Etruscans
  3. What were the values of early Roman society
  4. (a) How was the Roman household organized?
    1. (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
  5. How was the army linked to Roman society?


  1.      It is the central point within a central peninsula which means many trade routes.
  2.      answer:
    1.      (a) Latins: They started Rome as farmers. (b) Greeks: Established about 50 colonies; which made them in closer contact with Greek civilization(c) Etruscans: Rome adopted the Etruscan alphabet; developed their trade; some Rome kings were of Etruscan background
  3.      Many groups could help shape Rome into a better city.
  4.      (a) It was controlled by the pater familias but it was run by the woman of the household
    1.      (b) She is a citizen, with the rights to own property and testify in court. She ate meals with husband, but he sat reclined on the couch while she sat upright on a chair. She often advised her husband on business and politics.
  5.      It helped build their city around the Mediterranean. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Test Today


We had a test today. It was on our Ancient Greece Projects. It was an ok test. Some of the questions were hard. For the hard questions I felt like I never learned about them. Overall I think I did well, but every time I say that it comes out as a bad test grade. I think the no notes was fine. I thought that because I barely had any notes that would help me on this test. So basically I did the test by memory. Well I hope everyone has a great Easter. I also hope that everyone has a safe break. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Review for Test

  • 25-30 multiple choice
  • no short answer
  • one essay 
Ancient Greece:
  • What took place in 706 B.C.?
  • Which of the following was not an event?
Army and Battles:
  • What was the formation they used? 
    • Phalanx
  • What was the name of the soldiers? 
    • Hoplites
  • Which of the following was not a battle fought against the Persians? 
    • Marathon, Thermopile, Gaugamela, and Issus
Peloponnesian War:
  • Who was in charge in Athens? 
    • Pericles
  • Who was it against? 
    • Athens and Sparta
  • Who won the war? 
    • Sparta
  • What was Athens' strength? 
    • navy; Athiens built a wall; Athens attacked Sparta at the sea
  • What was Sparta's strength? 
    • fighting on land
  • What happened in 425 B.C.? 
    • Pericles died
  • What happened in the wall? 
    • the plague
  • When did the people first rise up over there rulers? 
    • 508 B.C. 
  • What age were kids taken away to go train? 
    • 7
  • What was there strength?
    • army

  • What stories did he write?
    • Iliad and the Odyssey 
  • What was the odyssey about?
    • Odiceous was the war hero of the Trojan War; he was trying to get home
  • What was the Iliad about?
    • Trojan War
  • The kinds of Columns:
    • Ionic
    • Doric 
    • Corinthian 
  • How long did it take to build?

  • What age was it built?
    • Golden Age
  • Who was it dedicated to?
    • Athena 
  • Three goals:
    1. glorify Athens
    2. strength Greek democracy 
    3. expand empire
  • What was the place called where they had discussions?
    • Agora
Art and Pottery:
  • What was pottery used for?
    • hold water, perfume
Math and Science:
  • Euclid- geometry
  • 3 main:
    • Socrates
    • Plato 
    • Aristotle
  • Who tutored Alexander?
    • Aristotle
Trail of Socrates:
  • Dissed the gods
  • cruputing the youth of Athens 
  • guilty 
  • Death by poison 
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living"

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Alexander the Great

Today we watched more of the movie!
Almost everyone got extra credit for wearing prevent genocide shirts!
  • Alexander fought against Darius.
  • Darius retreated.
  • Persian army was being paid to fight.
  • His own men killed Darius.
  • This was one of his first big wars.
  • At 25 years old Alexander was King of all.
  • He was loved by all.
  • He blending cultures.
  • Alexander conquered the Persians.
  • 10 cities named after Alexander.
  • Alexander got revenge on the Persians who killed Darius and he punished them.
  • India had never been explored or conquered.
  • Alexander wanted to conquer the world.
  • Thought if he went over the Himalayas that there would be ocean and that would be the end of the world.
  • India turns into a big disaster and everyone wants to go home.
  • He kept going past India.
  • Alexander wasn't loved by all anymore.
  • Alexander's horse and him get shot.
  • He still won the battle.
  • There was elephants in battle.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Today we are watched a movie on Alexander the Great. We had a review on him before.

  • Alexander's mother told him he was son of one of the gods
  • He was taught by Aristotle.
  • His dad was Phillip II.
  • Alexander's father was killed at age 20.
  •  He became king at age 20.
  • The people started to rebel.
  • So Alexander forms an army.
  • He kills everyone to tell them how ruthless he is. 
  • Phillip has a girlfriend while married.
  • Alexander gets a horse named Buceas.
  • It was a horse that no one can tame. 
  • He did though. 
  • He rode the horse in every battle until the horse was killed. 
  • Olympias is his mother. 
  • Never loses a battle. 
  • goes into battle of Gaugamela.
  • 40,000 men vs. 250,000 men.
  • used to fight face to face; man to man.
  • Falenx- formation for battle.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last Project

Today we have one project left.

Katie- Greek Philosophers:
Who was the first major philosopher in Ancient Greece?
What was one of Socrates teachings?
What was Socrates method?

Was explained and watched a video on allegory of the cave.

Monday, April 11, 2011

More Projects

Today we presented more projects.

Me- Olympics.

Jeffy- Greek Architecture:
What was the first thing they used for structures?
Who did they dedicate their buildings too?
What was the main thing used in the architecture?

Cole- Peloponnesian war:
Who was it against?
What was the main cause of the war?
Who was the main Athien leader?

Friday, April 08, 2011

More Projects

Today we presented more projects.

Taylor- Homer:
Who was Homer?
What was his most famous story/stories?
Who is the main character in the Odyssey?

Billy- Hellenic Age:
How long did the Hellenic Age last?
Why did Alexander mix Greeks and non-Greeks?
When did the Hellenistic Age start?

Sarah- Parthenon:
Who was the Parthenon dedicated too?
Where was it built?
Who wanted to build it?

Clark- Advances in Math and Science:
Who discovered pi?
Who discovered the law of displacement in science?
Who figured out that there are movement of the sun, moon, and stars?

Catherine- Ancient Greek Art:
What did they used to make pottery?
When did they first start to make pottery?
When did they first start to make designs on pottery?

Gracie- Poets and Poetry
What was poetry used for?
What was music used for?
Who was the only female poet?

Christy- Trial of Socrates
Where did it take place?
Why was Socrates arrested?
What was the penalty?

Thursday, April 07, 2011

More Projects

Today we continued our projects.

Alyssa- Ancient Greek Army:
What were soldiers called?
What was the key weapon Hoplites used?
Who was the battle of Issus against and who won?

Caitlin- Ancient Greek Drama:
When did Greek drama start?
What two types of plays were there?
Who was the first poet to use actors?

Clarke- Alexander's conquest
Where did Alexander rule?
How old was Alexander when he took became king?
How long was it till his first battle?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Had a review about Greece.

These are the projects we say and three questions that would be good for a test:

Kamau- Spartan Life:
What age did Spartan women get married?
What age were Spartan boys taken away?
What was the marriage like?

Fiona- Peloponnesian War:
How long was the Peloponnesian War?
Who was the Peloponnesian War against?
Who won the Peloponnesian War?